Message from the H.O.D
Exploring Microbes, Shaping Reality
Ismaila Olawale Sule (Ph. D), (H.O.D, Microbiology)
It is my pleasure introducing Department of Microbiology to the global community. Microorganisms are more of friends than foes since those involved in beneficial activities are more than the few pathogenic/destructive ones. Microorganisms and Microbiologists are of relevance in the field of agriculture; medicine; production of: fermented foods, antibiotics, bacteriocin, organic acids, vitamins; beers, wines and vinegar; preservation of foods; bioremediation processes; production of biofuels; and as indicator organisms in prospecting for natural resources such as gas and crude oil. We are committed to equip our students with the necessary skills and technical know-how so that they are better positioned in harnessing the invisible microorganisms to drive the visible World.